Our own in-house, custom mix. Less junk no fillers for your flock!
Ingredients: Sunflower, Oat Grown Safflower, Wheat, Brown Flax, Milo, White Millet, Buckwheat, Blue and Green Oat Groats, Pumpkin, Diced Pineapple, Hemp Seed, Diced Papaya, Diced Mango, Diced Apple, Diced Carrot, Sweetened Banana Chips.
Recommended for small hookbills such as:
- Indian Ringneck Parakeet
- Plum Headed Parakeet
- Quaker Parrot
- Small to Medium Conure
*PLEASE NOTE* This is not a complete diet. We recommend seeds in moderation. Please reach out to us for dietary help or questions.
Sample sizes are available. Please send us a message for a free sample to your door.
Please inquire about bulk orders @: Chris@MileHighParrotSupply.com